Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fractional Real Estate Costa Rica: Pay for what you use

More and more people are opting to own a second or third home or vacation property fractionally, and to share usage of the property with other owners. These arrangements can involve a single home, or a large resort development, and can be organized by a small group of family or friends, an individual buyer or seller, a Realtor, or a developer.

Our firm works with developers, owners, investor and/or buyers in regards to fractional real estate. We assist those specifically in the U.S. and Costa Rica. Fractional ownership in destinations like Costa Rica is a wonderful way to own a property that you can enjoy for the time that you use it for. We find that many fractional buyers are from the U.S. and Canada. Specifically from states like CA, TX, FL and NY (see feeder markets graph).

Fractional ownership is an arrangement where a group of individuals or families co-own and share use of a vacation home or condo. Sometimes these arrangements are organized by the users themselves, but more frequently they are set up by a property owner or developer who outfits the property, creates the legal structure and documents, then offers the fractional interests for sale. Contrary to what you might think, groups of complete strangers who come together through these packaged offerings are generally much more successful at co-owning and managing the shared property than groups of friends or family members.
Statistics show that most people only use their vacation home 17-30 days each year. Shared ownership is appealing because it allows people to own only the share of a vacation home that they will use, rather than the entire property.

Call us to learn more about our services and see how fractional ownership in Costa Rica could benefit you. 727-687-3585 - Kenny Hayslett, Certified Fractional Expert.

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